Food Intolerance Epidemic – Why Does It Happen, And Can It Be Treated?

Doctors will recommend alternate diets that help provide proper nutrition to your body and avoid foods that cause allergies. Emergency medication As there’s no medication to prevent food allergies, the best way is to avoid all allergy-causing foods. However, if a reaction does occur, you should have access to emergency medication to control your symptoms. If medication has been prescribed by your doctor, you should carry it on your person at all times. In fact, now “auto injectors” are also available that you can use with some training. Check food labels carefully You should carefully check the food labels before eating anything. Sometimes, processed or preserved food has certain ingredients that can cause allergies. Understand your limits If you experience food allergies when you eat excess food, you should try to learn your limits when eating food.
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are fermented by gut flora, and when our microorganisms are lacking the genes/enzymes needed to completely digest the food component, symptoms of intolerance occur. In nature, vegetables are contaminated with species of flex Clostridium and Bacillus bacteria which are vital for proper digestion and development of the immune system. When we spray soil and plants with man-made chemicals we damage the fragile ecosystem, and extensive washing or cooking also gets rid of the naturally occurring microorganisms clinging to foods. Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, poor diet, excessive hygiene and bottle-feeding also contribute to the rapid increase in people getting food intolerance. Treating food intolerance Most diets recommend avoiding food intolerances. This will naturally alleviate some of the symptoms, but it doesn’t help the underlying problem. Problematic foods should be avoided until new species of bacteria are added, and then they can be slowly introduced again. Dr.
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Is food intolerance just a fad?

To make matters worse, food allergy and food intolerance are often thought to be the same thing. But there is an important difference. Food allergy is relatively rare and potentially more dangerous. When someone is allergic to a certain food, their immune system reacts as if the food were an invader and produces antibodies which can cause rashes, digestive problems, nasal inflammation and swelling of the airways. Food intolerance, on the other hand, does not involve an immune response.
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Food Intolerance Cleanse

The BBC reports that food intolerances seem to be genetic. Lactose intolerance, for instance, is much more common in Asian, African and Mediterranean populations. Symptoms of food intolerance include nausea, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. These symptoms can begin within hours or days of eating the food. Diagnosis The simplest way to determine if you have a food intolerance is to remove the suspected food from your diet. If your symptoms improve, try to reintroduce the food. But, your doctor may be able determine if you have a lactose intolerance. If you want to try a cleanse or elimination diet, you should remove the suspected food from your diet for three weeks.
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DIY Food Intolerance & Allergy Test

Your so-called healthy diet may be to blame. Health frustrations may be due to food intolerances If youre experiencing a losing battle of the bulge, along with chronic health issues, its no wonder youre frustrated, wondering if youre ever going to feel better. Guess what? All of these symptoms can often be traced back to what you eat. And often the culprits are the very foods youre eating in an effort to be healthy. The reason is food intolerance: a negative reaction to certain foods that can sabotage your health by triggering inflammation and causing a host of nasty symptoms. Food intolerances versus food allergies Unlike food allergies that are acute and severe, food intolerances can be tricky to pinpoint. If someone with a peanut allergy eats peanuts,she can go into anaphylactic shock and immediately need medical attention this is acute and severe.
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Weight gain: Are food intolerances to blame?

Prepare a piece of paper on which to record your results. 5. Count your pulse before and after each meal, as follows: just before eating the meal, then 30 minutes after the meal, 60 minutes after the meal and 90 minutes after the meal. Also take your pulse at bedtime, sitting on the bed. 6. All pulse counts are to be made while sitting down, except the first one of the day when you should be lying in bed. 7.
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